January 12, 2019 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Yoga for Anti-Inflammation with CBD Oil

Location: STUDIO 33

Join Joe Vinciguerra for a CBD infused yoga class where CBD – Hemp Oil ‘Prime My Body’ product will be incorporated during the practice for ultimate relaxation. All levels welcome. CBD, or canabidiol, is one of many compounds found in the cannabis plant. It is one of the two main molecules in marijuana, the other being the more commonly known, THC. The oil derived from cannabidiol is called CBD oil, and it is being used to treat a variety of ailments from stress and anxiety disorders to nerve pain. CBD oil does not contain THC and is therefore legal in all 50 states. CBD and Yoga are essential components of an integrated, healthy lifestyle. $35 including class and sample dosage of infused hemp oil by ‘Prime My Body’.